I am but a poor man, working on my field,
and when I am gone, my son shall take my place
and when he is gone, my child’s child, and on forever
You do not know our names, but we will work the same.

I am but a student, books and lectures, my home.
One day, I can but pray, I will make my mark.
And this blighted world of wrong and harm,
shall know my name, forever more.

I am the father, my meaning my progeny.
They may not walk my path, but when
I am dead and gone, they shall walk anon,
and my name shall be known through them.

I am but God, I am power incarnate.
I control the strings of those who control.
Every man, woman and child will always know,
forever and on, I was everything and all.

I am the star. I shine in voice and on tv,
you are all dulled in my great shadow.
You may be known, but I am forever loved,
when you are all dust, my name still shines.

Me? I am but myself, and all that that entails.
I am as writer, and as human too. But my name
is fraction, infinitely small in the infinitely great.
My name will be as meaningless as theirs.

My body will be dust, and my name will follow.
My country and my home will one day die.
My world, our only home, will not last forever.
No name will out last time; when it dies, so shall we.