NB – Due to that whole Christmas/New Years thing, below is a poem written in 2009 for my book, “Rules of a Setting Sun”.


A tale, a story, a simple lie

A word followed that to make you cry

You see me as I am and yet you stand

I hold the foretold helping hand

You call for me, but calls can come too late

The twisted tale, the forever sealed fate.


You ask me my question, seeking a clue

But what I have done is too much for you

My name is lost, a shadow in the breeze

A burning world yet a soul will freeze

Realms apart, and yet so close the world we know

A simple journey, and so very far to go.


The world I reside, a darkened place

A place where forever hidden is my face

A burning land, a hole of pain too great to fill

A home for those whoever did cause ill

Or now I know for those who followed you

Never again to see the summer through.


You now reside in a different home

A world of wonder, no brick or loam

A world apart, never together

A binding built to hold forever

Words so simple, words so stark

Words that kept me in the dark.


A tale, a story, a simple lie

A word followed that to make you cry

Never again to see me as I am

Never to be lifted by a helping hand

We now live in worlds of fire and white

A world of darkness, and a world of light.